Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Tool

The best carpenter in the county was asked, "Which is your best tool?" Instead of pointing to a costly power saw or drill, he picked up a simple square and said, "This is the best tool; it makes all the others work."

Let us not overlook our best tool; the simple gospel (Rom_1:16). In this verse, Paul gives four reasons why the gospel is our most effective weapon:

First, it is power. The original word is similar to our word for dynamite.

Second, it is of God. Though Rome with her imperial power was great, the power of God was greater. However sincere the motive, any alteration or substitution of that power only weakens it.

Third, it is unto salvation. In addition to being a past event and a future hope, salvation is a present reality. It can turn hate into love, despair into hope, and defeat into triumph.

Fourth, it is for everyone. The saving power of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is for all!

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